Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Week 33

33 weeks and 3 days

How far along: 33 Weeks

Weeks to due date: 7

Total weight gain: 25 pounds

Maternity clothes: I am finding that some of my maternity shirts are getting a little tight around the belly.  Honestly…. I’m looking forward to regular clothes again…. At least the shirts =)     

Sleep:  Not so great… 

Best moment this week:  Andy and I pray together before we go to bed and a couple of nights ago I cuddled up really close so my belly was pressed against his side.  The baby kicked or kneed or elbowed us both the whole time we were praying.  It was great and Andy didn’t seem to mind too much! 

What I miss: Well… I’m feeling a little huge and insecure about how I look. I miss my old clothes and feeling good about how I look.  Some days are great though and I feel like I look great but other days I think I look like a hippo.  

Movement: So so so much! 

Food cravings: Nothing

Making me queasy:  Nothing in particular.  On Thursday Andy and I were watching a movie and all of a sudden I was hit with really bad back pain which then made it's way to my abdomen.  I stood up and walked around a little bit to see if that would make me feel better but then I started to feel nauseous.  I barely uttered the words I don't feel good to Andy when I "lost it" in the kitchen sink. Thank goodness for an empty sink and a garbage disposal... sorry if that was too graphic for anyone.  This was my third time "losing it" my whole pregnancy.  Also, thank goodness for a caring husband who isn't grossed out by my puking but who is impressed with my choice of where to puke and the fact that I remembered the garbage disposal.  Tis so sweet =)

Starting to show:  Oh yes, Santa has nothing on me =)  

Gender:  We will find out soon

Happy or moody: Oh pretty happy

Things I've been experiencing this week: I feel as though I have had a really productive week.  I’ve kept the house looking pretty good especially for having a remodeling project going on and I have spent some time in the kitchen baking zucchini bread, buns, and making frozen yogurt pops. Also, I have had lunch ready almost every day for Andy when he gets home which makes me feel so great! I Love being his wife and I am so thankful to share a home and a life with him.  I am looking forward to being parents together and to work as a team to raise this little one we created. =)   I also have been able to catch up on some motherly reading trying to learn about the final weeks of pregnancy, delivery, and baby.  So much to read and learn.  

Size of baby:  A durian fruit… anybody else know what that is?  I sure don’t =)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Week 32

32 Weeks

How far along: 32 Weeks

Weeks to due date: 8 Weeks

Total weight gain: 24 pounds- I blame the 2 pound weight gain on the fact that I hadn’t had a good poop yet when I weighed myself =) 

Maternity clothes:  Oh yes.  And a huge thanks to those who have borrowed some of their clothes to me!  It is a huge blessing to have hand me downs!  

Sleep:  Good off and on.  

Best moment this week: This week we started our remodeling project which is pretty exciting.  We also had pictures taken and we got the baby’s crib.  So many great things to look forward to! 

Here are a few of our pictures =) Rachel Hass did such a wonderful job! I am so thankful for her friendship and her talent! 

What I miss: My normal ankles that remain the same throughout the day instead of these oh they look pretty in the morning and then by the end of the day look like monster feet…  I am so thankful for a loving husband that loves me no matter what my ankles look like =)  I wonder if there is anything in Song of Solomon about a woman’s delightfully swollen ankles and belly and how enthralling they are… Let me look... I know this isn’t exactly what I was thinking but this is what Song of Solomon 7: 1-2 says…. Don’t blush
1 How beautiful are your feet in sandals,
    O noble daughter!
Your rounded thighs are like jewels,
    the work of a master hand.
Your navel is a rounded bowl
    that never lacks mixed wine.
Your belly is a heap of wheat,
    encircled with lilies.

You totally blushed =) 

Movement: Oh yes… It kind of tickles sometimes and there was one instance where I kind of let out this weird awkward noise when the baby jabbed me. Sometimes those sudden movements just take a mom by surprise.  

Food cravings: I don’t think I really have any.  

Making me queasy:  Nothing

Starting to show:   Oh there truly is no sucking in this belly.  I’m bumping into more and more things with this belly.      

Gender:  We shall know in about 8 weeks or so!  

Happy or moody: Happy.  Except when I have my little moments of crankiness.... yes.... I get cranky

Things I've been experiencing this week: We had an appointment on Monday.  All went well and the baby is still doing great!  I was able to get together with my friend Carrie before my appointment which was amazing.  We haven’t seen each other in years and it was wonderful to see her again and to catch up.  

What I'm looking forward to:  Finishing our remodel. 

Size of baby:  A squash

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Week 30 and 31

 Week 29
I didn't do a post for this week but I did take a picture. It was time to ditch the green shirt so now you can see a few other things I like to wear. 

Week 30
How far along: 30 Weeks

Weeks to due date: 10 Weeks

Total weight gain: 20 pounds

Maternity clothes:  Maternity Jeans, striped shirts and cardigans are my typical outfit.       

Sleep:  Depends on the night. Sometimes I sleep great sometimes I wake up a lot.  One of my favorite things is waking up and feeling my baby pressed up hard against my belly.      
Best moment this week:   I spent last weekend with Andy’s cousin Charity and her kids while her husband was gone on a mission’s trip.  It was a wonderful weekend full of relaxing on the deck, wonderful conversations, family time, and growing bellies (She’s expecting too!).  I truly cherish the cousin in-laws that I have been blessed with! 

I passed my glucose test at my appointment that we had a week ago.  That was a relief.  The orange drink they gave me was actually pretty good!  Also…. Just saying…… I pee in a cup like a pro =) haha

What I miss: Doing various activities without getting winded so easily. I know this can be interpreted in many ways so take it any way you see fit ;)    

Movement: So much! It is so wonderful! I have also been feeling baby hiccups. Soooooo cute!   

Food cravings: None really but peanut butter and jelly sandwiches sure do make me happy! 

Making me queasy:  Nothing

Starting to show:   Look at this belly!  I Love it!    

Gender:  We shall know in about 10 weeks! Holy cow!   Any guesses? 

Happy or moody:  Oh so happy! Especially when I got my baby Toms in the mail! 

Don't these little shoes just melt your heart! 

Things I've been experiencing this week:  I had a pretty scary dizzy spell on Saturday. I got a hold of the on call midwife at the hospital and he said that it is pretty normal to have some dizzy spells especially in the third trimester.  He said that if it happens frequently though I should go in.   

What I'm looking forward to:  The family farm weekend! This weekend is the Sprenger reunion so Andy’s aunts and uncles and most of his cousins and their families will be here at camp. It is always fun to see everyone.  There are 4 of us pregnant (as far as we know) so it will be exciting to see more bellies and have some good baby talk!

 I am also super excited for my belly button to pop out.  I think it will be within the next couple of weeks!  

Size of baby:  A cucumber. Baby weighs more than 3 pounds now too.


Week 31
How far along: 31 Weeks

Weeks to due date: 9 Weeks

Total weight gain: 22 pounds

Maternity clothes:  They are great! I don’t know how I will go back to regular jeans =)    
Sleep:  It still depends on the night.  It has been cool at night though so we have had our windows open. The fresh air makes me sleep soooo much better.           
Best moment this week:   This week we celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary.  I am truly blessed to have Andy as my husband. 

This weekend was also our big family get together which was so much fun!  Remember last week when I wrote that there were 4 of us pregnant as far as we knew.  Well, we found out my sister-in-law Hannah is pregnant too! Babies are so great! 

What I miss: Nothing comes to mind this week. 

Movement: Oh yes!  This belly is a moving machine. I wish I could see what the baby is doing in there!      

Food cravings: mmmmm  mmmmmm PB&J’s 

Making me queasy:  Nothing

Starting to show:   I am getting rounder and rounder     

Gender:  We shall know in about 9 weeks!  

Happy or moody:  Happy 

Things I've been experiencing this week: We are officially done with our summer season here at camp which means the summer staff are gone and as I’m writing this Andy and I are actually the only one’s here at camp.  It was a great summer overall and it went pretty quickly as they always do.    

What I'm looking forward to:  Our friend Rachel Hass is taking our maternity photos on Friday.  I am so excited!  Also we are remodeling part of our house so we can have three bedrooms instead of two.  

Size of baby:  A pineapple