Wednesday, February 26, 2014

4 Months

Four Months

Wow! Can she really be four months old already?! It is amazing how fast this time has gone.  I am constantly in awe of the Love that God has gifted us with as parents and I am thankful that God has blessed us as humans with the task of raising and loving children. Olivia has added more joy and blessing to our lives and I can’t even imagine life without her.  It feels as though she has always been here.  Isn’t it amazing how that happens in such a short amount of time?! 

Weight and Length: 16 pounds 10 ounces and 25 ½ in. She is in the 84th percentile for both. 

Diapers and Clothes: She is in size 3 diapers and 3-6mo clothes. It is almost weird to see her newborn clothes and see how much she has grown.  It seems so long ago that she was that little. 

Sleep: Please don’t hate us….. but Olivia is sleeping through the night.  Her last feeding is at 9:00 and she is usually asleep by 9:30 and then I get her up at 8:30 or 9:00 in the morning.  I have been slowly trying to get her last feeding to be at 8:30 so then she would be in bed by 9 and so far we have had good luck the past couple of nights. It has been such a blessing to get the rest that we have.  It was especially nice when I had influenza A a couple of weeks ago and really needed the rest. 

Firsts: She has rolled from tummy to back just once but it was pretty exciting to see her do it.  She will often lay completely on her side but seems to be content with just that for now.  She has started grabbing everything she can get her hands on. It’s funny to hear Andy say ouch sometimes when she grabs his chest hair. =) 

Teething: We aren’t sure how long it will be before we actually see a tooth but Olivia is showing a lot of signs of teething.  She drools constantly, chews on anything she can get in her mouth, and her gums are also showing signs that a tooth is coming.  

Olivia’s likes and dislikes: Olivia is a great arm workout. She loves being lifted up and down and up and down and giggles a lot when we do that with her.  She likes looking at books. It’s fun to watch her study the pictures. I often wonder what she is thinking.  She sometimes doesn’t like loud noises and she startles easily.  She doesn’t always cry but sometimes if I sneeze she starts to fuss. 

I LOVE this face!
Mom and Dad Love:  I Love reading to Olivia. When I am reading she will look at the book and look at me, look at the book and then look at me.  I wonder what she is thinking when she does this.  I Love her last feeding of the day. She will sometimes fall asleep and then I can just hold her for a little while before laying her down.  She doesn’t really like to be held in the cradle position so when she falls asleep in my arms I take advantage of the moment and enjoy snuggling her.  Andy is a proud papa and it’s so fun to see. He likes holding her on his shoulder and making her laugh and babble.  She is super chatty most of the day which is so fun.  We both love listening to her laugh, coo, and babble.  

The process of pregnancy and raising a child is one that has drawn Andy and me closer together and closer to God.  It was about a year ago that we found out we were pregnant and I have had the privilege and blessing of listening to my husband pray for our child every single day since.  It’s amazing how our added roles of father and mother have strengthened us, humbled us, and have caused us to dig deeper into God.  I am thankful that we are on this journey and my prayer is that we wouldn’t lose sight of what God has in store for our family and that we will draw near to him and trust him through all that will come our way.