Tuesday, June 23, 2015

29 weeks

29 weeks

How far along: 29 weeks

Weeks to due date: 11 weeks! 

Total weight gain: 14 pounds

Maternity clothes: Yep!  

Sleep: Oh how I miss thee! This week I’ve been up at 6AM one day. 5AM another day… and even 4AM today.  I think the baby and Olivia have made a pact that one of them will have me up early. Naps have been a life saver!  
Exercise: 5 days of bikini body mommy workouts. 3 strength and 2 cardio. And I got in a 1 hour walk and a 40 min Kayak adventure on Sunday. What else do you do when you’re up at 5 and everyone is sleeping except the wee one in the womb =) It was a gorgeous morning and I’m actually glad I was up! 

Best moment this week: Father’s day was a really great day! That was the day the baby woke me up at 5. It was so beautiful and so calm I just had to be outside.  When I got home from walking and Kayaking, Andy and Olivia had just woken up so we had breakfast and got ready for the day. We then listened to a great sermon together and went to the Medina CafĂ© for lunch. Everyone had the weekend off so it was just nice to be at camp and enjoy the quiet =)

What I miss: I miss being able to sit comfortably with Olivia on my lap. This belly has really been getting in the way and when Olivia leans up against it the baby will often try to kick or push her away. Not the most comfortable thing in the world.

Movement: I’m not quite convinced there is just one in there because the baby has been moving so much!  I’ve been feeling the baby’s hiccups too =)

Food cravings: Donuts!

Making me queasy: Feeling good!  

Starting to show: I am pretty sure I popped even more this week!  

Gender:  11ish weeks and we will know

Happy or moody:  Both

Things I've been experiencing this week: I’ve had a few “moments” this week.  Moments of overwhelming joy from a few simple…. moments =) One of them was when I wrapped Olivia up in a towel and gave her a snack after she had been playing in her pool for a while. I Love that I get to be her mom and she gets to sit and warm up on my lap and that we get to just do life together. I remember seeing other moms with their kids and looking forward to things like that and now I get to experience it!
Another moment was on Saturday. I had decided to make sweet potatoes and grill steak for lunch. Well, the steak took a little longer than I expected and the sweet potatoes totally got burnt and stunk up the whole house and filled it with smoke. Because of the awful atmosphere in the house we decided to eat outside. We laid a blanket in the shade and ate steak and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (great substitute for sweet potatoes right?!) and it was perfect.  Maybe I’m too sentimental or whatever but I truly love moments like that. The moments that are so real and so simple but are so beautiful.  

What I'm looking forward to: Going to SD this weekend. I also have an appointment in Fargo on my way to Madison so I’m looking forward to that too.  It is always so fun to hear that heartbeat!

Size of baby:  An acorn squash

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

28 weeks! 3rd Trimester baby!!

26 weeks
27 weeks
28 weeks
How far along: 28 weeks

Weeks to due date: 12 weeks!  

Total weight gain: 13 pounds

Maternity clothes: Oh yes!

Sleep: It’s been pretty good and then pretty bad.  I’m super thankful for the good nights =) Between getting up to go to the bathroom (there’s just something about 3:15AM that my bladder likes), Olivia deciding that 6AM is a great time to wake up, and just having a harder and harder time getting comfy the bad nights are starting to be the norm. Also add crazy dreams, leg cramps and a stealthy ninja baby to the mix! I told Andy the other day that I can’t wait for this baby to come because I would rather get up to take care of a little baby vs. get up because I have to pee again or because I’m not comfortable =)
Exercise: 5 days of bikini body mommy workouts. 3 strength and 2 cardio. And I got in a 3.5 mile walk/run hill workout for another cardio day.
Best moment this week: Olivia and I took a day trip to Hurdsfield to spend the day with Andy’s cousin Abri and her kids. It was so fun to catch up with them and I’m so thankful to have such great family close by =)

A funny moment would be when my friend Kelsey stopped by for a visit and got to experience me having a weird foot/toe cramp. I jumped up from the couch and was trying to stretch it out all the while my toe seriously looked like it was possessed and was trying to flee my foot =) no joke! And between the jumping around, the laughing, and the cramping I worked up a little bit of a sweat! All is well though and I still have my toe =) And a good story!      

What I miss: Sleep

Movement: So so soooo much movement! Yesterday the baby was moving all day. Literally. All. Day. When it was time to go to bed I was giving our little one a little talking too because I needed to rest and so did they =)

Food cravings: Pancakes =) With peanut butter…. And chocolate syrup =) I may have satisfied this craving once or twice...

Making me queasy: Nothing comes to mind.

Starting to show: Oh yes!

Gender:  We’ll let you know in about 12 weeks =) I had a dream I had a girl the other night =)

Happy or moody:  Both

Things I've been experiencing this week: Overall it was a great week. My abdomen has been really sore lately. I think I’ve rounded out a lot more over the last couple of weeks and the baby has been moving a lot so I’m guessing that’s why. Here’s to 12 more weeks of getting large!

What I'm looking forward to:  I’m going to SD at the end of next week to see my family and I am so excited! It will be so great to go on a little road trip and get some family time in.   

Size of baby:  Baby is the size of an eggplant. He or she should be about 2 ½ pounds and 16 in long. Also, apparently my uterus is the size of a basketball =) Seriously…. A basketball! 

Saturday, June 13, 2015

The many expressions of a waking toddler

So much personality captured in just a few minutes =) 
And yes, these are in the order they were taken =)