Wednesday, October 11, 2017

40 Weeks

How far along: 40 Weeks

Weeks to due date: 0! Today is our due date! Come on baby!

Total weight gain: 39 pounds

Maternity clothes: Oh yes! I need to have this baby so I can start getting smaller because most of my shirts barely cover this whole big belly!  

Sleep: For the most part I have been sleeping well. I still have troubles with my hips hurting but other than that and going to the bathroom multiple times a night I am doing okay.

Exercise: Walking, walking, and more walking!   
Best moment this week: Even though I’m feeling super impatient and want this kid out now…I’ve been trying to take advantage of our time as a family of 4 before our little one arrives. We lit sparklers together the other night, had a popcorn and movie night, and have just been extra intentional about getting outside to play. Yesterday Olivia was having a rough couple of hours and so when she would normally do her quiet time during Oliver's nap, I decided to let her hang out with me. I painted her nails and we watched a movie together. 

What I miss:  Sitting, lying, getting up comfortably. When I sit or lay down I sometimes feel like I can’t breathe well, or my hips start hurting, or I realize I left my water(glasses, phone, remote, etc.) elsewhere and have to get up again. Haha! I know all of this will be over soon but it definitely makes these last days a little harder.  

Movement: Still tons! Especially late evening.

Food cravings: Cake! Give me all the sweets!

Making me queasy: My nose has been extra sensitive again and so certain smells make me queasy.

Starting to show: Holy moly! Part of me hates leaving the house because I get tons of looks… People look at my face and then at my belly… all… the... time… I mean, I know it’s just how it is but it makes me feel self-conscious and really look forward to having the attention off of my belly! 

Gender:  I just want to know!!!

Happy or moody:  We have had a ton of happy moments this week but I am not going to lie, I have also had moments where I have been moody, impatient, and downright agitated. I even had the thought that I wouldn’t mind just going to go have this baby by myself because I don’t want to be around anyone! Haha! Don’t worry. It’s not all that bad. But when the kids are whining, crying, or not listening and my hubby is going on about the weather or gas prices or whatever interesting but not interesting thing is on his mind…  Lord help me! I know... I'm a jerk.

Things I've been experiencing this week: Well, we had a false alarm Saturday morning. I woke up with bad back and abdominal pain around 4AM with contractions that were coming 5 min apart. Even after being up for a while they were still pretty consistent and more painful than the Braxton hicks I’ve been experiencing. So after an hour and a half at home we decided to head to town. My contractions kept coming 7 to 10 min apart on the way but got less intense over time. We did go to the hospital to be monitored for a bit and get checked but after walking around for over an hour my contractions slowed waaaay down and I had no cervical changes so they had us go back home… Honestly, I was pretty disappointed and also embarrassed that I didn’t know it was just false labor. I know it’s totally normal and happens to tons of people but still. Because we live an hour from the hospital I’m nervous about things going quick and having the kid in our van but at the same time I don’t want to go in too soon. I know when the time comes, it will all be what it is, but this whole waiting and wondering when things will actually happen stage is getting a little tiring.      

What I'm looking forward to: Meeting our little one!

Size of baby: A watermelon!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

39 weeks

How far along: 39 Weeks

Weeks to due date: 1!

Total weight gain: 38 pounds

Maternity clothes: Oh yes!  

Sleep: Sleep has been so so lately. I’ve been waking up a lot to go to the bathroom and also have been experiencing a lot of hip pain. Some nights I end up sleeping on the couch so I can sit up more and that has helped. Also, our kids have been sick so they haven’t been sleeping the greatest which means we haven’t been sleeping well either. I think they are on the mend though so hopefully their coughs and runny noses will be cleared up by the time baby comes.

Exercise: Lots of walking! Time to get this baby out!  
Best moment this week: With the kids being sick we’ve spent a lot of time at home this week. It has been nice to take the days to just rest and relax with the kids though. We’ve slept in, read tons of books, colored and painted, and enjoyed a few movies.
A really funny moment this week was when I went to my appointment and Olivia asked if the doctor was going to put butter on my belly again! She then corrected herself and said jelly! Haha! It was too cute!  

What I miss: My lap! The kids both love books and Oliver especially likes to sit on my lap when we read. With this growing belly it has become so difficult though and he often tries to sit on my belly which is just painful! And, he gets mad if I try to just have him sit next to me instead of on my lap so that’s not fun either. Soon though! I will have a lap again!

Movement: So so much!  

Food cravings: Food!

Making me queasy: I get pretty nauseous when I’m hungry so I’ve been trying to snack and drink plenty of fluids to help with that.   

Starting to show: Yep! As I was reading to Oliver this morning this dinosaur reminded me a lot of myself! Haha!

Gender:  Soon we will know! Looking at pictures from my previous pregnancies I am carrying more like I did with Oliver than Olivia. I’m just so curious and can’t wait to find out!!

Happy or moody:  Both! I’m so happy and can’t wait to meet our little one but I definitely have my moments where I have less patience than I should.

Things I've been experiencing this week:  I’ve had tons of Braxton hicks contractions and have even had a couple of moments where I’ve wondered if I was in labor or not. The last couple of days I’ve been having some back pain with them so I’m wondering/hoping true labor is near and we will get to meet our little one soon!
I finished an online birthing class a few weeks ago and lately have been spending some time reading about labor, deliver, and care for myself and our little one after baby comes. I’ve done this twice before but part of me still feels so unprepared and a little (okay, a lot) afraid of labor. I think it’s the anticipation that is getting to me and it seems that all of these Braxton hicks contractions are just teasing me!

What I'm looking forward to: Labor! I’m serious! Like I said, I am afraid but at the same time I know I can do it and I know the beautiful blessing and relief that comes after and I can’t wait to experience it again. I’m looking forward to Andy telling me the gender of the baby and to see his love for another child. I can’t wait for Olivia and Oliver to meet their new sibling and for all of us to be together as a family of 5! And I am REALLY looking forward to not being pregnant anymore and to starting this new phase in our lives!

Size of baby: A Pumpkin!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

37 weeks

How far along: 37 Weeks

Weeks to due date: 3!

Total weight gain: 35 pounds

Maternity clothes: I have officially started borrowing Andy’s t-shirts for when I want to be comfy! This belly is getting big!

Sleep: I have actually been sleeping a little better this week! I’m still up a lot to go to the bathroom but other than that I have been sleeping well.  

Exercise: No BBM workouts this week but I did get in 3 2-mile walks.
Best moment this week: I’ve had a couple of coffee dates with the kids after our appointments this week. It was just fun to sit with them, share a cookie or a bagel, and enjoy some coffee and time with my two kids. p.s. the kids didn’t have coffee =) just me! And it was decaf! 
Another fun moment was when I was folding laundry and Olivia really wanted to help. She is good at folding wash cloths but when it comes to folding our clothes I’ve been a little stuck on how she can help. Well, I taught her how to flip socks and shirts right side out and she thought it was the greatest thing ever. Each time she would do it she would squeal and go show Andy and then come back for more inside out laundry!  

What I miss: My non swollen legs and ankles and hands and…I guess just my non swollen self. I’ve been a little more uncomfortable lately and have been retaining more water. (Don’t worry mom my blood pressure is fantastic!) My swelling gets worse when we travel even if it’s just to Jamestown or Bismarck which we do several times a week so I’m just ready to have this baby and to get rid of all the extra water weight!

Movement: So much! It’s incredible!

Food cravings: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!

Making me queasy: Feeling pretty good!  

Starting to show: Holy moly belly! I’m actually feeling pretty self-conscious about this big belly.

Gender: 3 more weeks and we’ll know!! I still think it’s a girl! Ohhhh I can’t wait to find out!  

Happy or moody:  Don’t ask…

Things I've been experiencing this week:  I’ve definitely been feeling a little more emotional this week. For example, the kids and I were outside and it was cooler than I expected and of course the kids didn’t want to put their sweatshirts on. After a while though Olivia wanted hers and went back to the house to grab one for her and Oliver. When she came back out with her sweatshirt on and Oliver’s in hand I kind of got teared up a little. She’s been getting herself dressed for a while now but still, sometimes it just hits me how much she’s grown and how much she is capable of doing!

What I'm looking forward to: Olivia has been asking when we are going to bring the baby home several times a week. I am so excited for when I actually go into labor and will get to tell her we will be meeting the baby soon! She is so excited and I can’t wait to see how she reacts to her new little brother or sister!

Size of baby:  Baby weighs about 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (about the length of a bunch of Swiss chard)

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

34 Weeks

How far along: 34 Weeks

Weeks to due date: 6!

Total weight gain: 28 pounds

Maternity clothes: Oh yes! So over them though! Getting dressed at almost 8 months pregnant should be some sort of Olympic sport! I grunt, I sweat, and I do a happy dance when I’ve accomplished the goal! Although, I really wouldn’t want anyone observing this so never mind!

Sleep: Oh how I miss thee! I have so many things working against this beautiful wonderland. Leg cramps. Achy hips and back. Rib pain. Heartburn. My hands falling asleep. Getting up to go to the bathroom. And now this week I’ve developed some sort of head cold so add a stuffy nose and coughing to the list. Thank goodness for my eye cream because this momma is so tired!

Exercise: It was a bad week for this category. I only got in 1 three mile walk and 1 BBM strength work out. We did however work on a lot of projects this week which kept me very active.
Best moment this week: Our summer season at camp ended a couple of weeks ago which means that my hubby had about a week and a half off.  I made a big list of projects I wanted to accomplish in that time and quite a few things got done! We painted our entryway, living room, and kitchen, refinished our entertainment center, cleaned the kitchen cupboards, deep cleaned the van and the kid’s car seats and bought a new car seat! I can’t believe we actually have three now!
We also spent some time swimming and kayaking at the lake, spent time with friends, and spent time just hanging out as a family.


What I miss: Sleep.

Movement: I’m pretty sure there are two babies. I know our ultrasound only showed one and at each appointment there has been just one heartbeat but I don’t know how one kid can move THIS much or have hiccups as often as he or she does! I love it! But holy cow does this baby like to move!  

Food cravings: Cracklin Oat Bran! My fav cereal! 

Making me queasy: I’ve had a few days where I’ve just felt nauseous in general. Nothing specific though.

Starting to show: Yes!

Gender:  6 more weeks and we’ll know. I think that it’s a girl! I might be wrong but I’m really curious to see if I’m right! Any guesses?

Happy or moody:  Pregnant…

Things I've been experiencing this week:  Tons of Braxton hick’s contractions. I had them with both of my other kiddos and it’s totally normal but it does get a little uncomfortable some days.  I’ve also noticed that my legs, ankles, and feet are just always a little swollen now. Nothing like they were with Olivia but it is definitely making me be cautious of what I eat so that I don’t add to the problem.

What I'm looking forward to: Fall! I LOVE fall! And I love fall here at camp. It is so beautiful and it has been fun getting to know the people that come for the various retreats this time of year and I always look forward to seeing them again! Also, Oliver’s birthday is this weekend. I can’t believe he will be two! I’m not quite sure yet what we are doing but I’m excited to celebrate our little man! 

Size of baby:  Baby weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (about the size of a cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long.