Wednesday, August 30, 2017

34 Weeks

How far along: 34 Weeks

Weeks to due date: 6!

Total weight gain: 28 pounds

Maternity clothes: Oh yes! So over them though! Getting dressed at almost 8 months pregnant should be some sort of Olympic sport! I grunt, I sweat, and I do a happy dance when I’ve accomplished the goal! Although, I really wouldn’t want anyone observing this so never mind!

Sleep: Oh how I miss thee! I have so many things working against this beautiful wonderland. Leg cramps. Achy hips and back. Rib pain. Heartburn. My hands falling asleep. Getting up to go to the bathroom. And now this week I’ve developed some sort of head cold so add a stuffy nose and coughing to the list. Thank goodness for my eye cream because this momma is so tired!

Exercise: It was a bad week for this category. I only got in 1 three mile walk and 1 BBM strength work out. We did however work on a lot of projects this week which kept me very active.
Best moment this week: Our summer season at camp ended a couple of weeks ago which means that my hubby had about a week and a half off.  I made a big list of projects I wanted to accomplish in that time and quite a few things got done! We painted our entryway, living room, and kitchen, refinished our entertainment center, cleaned the kitchen cupboards, deep cleaned the van and the kid’s car seats and bought a new car seat! I can’t believe we actually have three now!
We also spent some time swimming and kayaking at the lake, spent time with friends, and spent time just hanging out as a family.


What I miss: Sleep.

Movement: I’m pretty sure there are two babies. I know our ultrasound only showed one and at each appointment there has been just one heartbeat but I don’t know how one kid can move THIS much or have hiccups as often as he or she does! I love it! But holy cow does this baby like to move!  

Food cravings: Cracklin Oat Bran! My fav cereal! 

Making me queasy: I’ve had a few days where I’ve just felt nauseous in general. Nothing specific though.

Starting to show: Yes!

Gender:  6 more weeks and we’ll know. I think that it’s a girl! I might be wrong but I’m really curious to see if I’m right! Any guesses?

Happy or moody:  Pregnant…

Things I've been experiencing this week:  Tons of Braxton hick’s contractions. I had them with both of my other kiddos and it’s totally normal but it does get a little uncomfortable some days.  I’ve also noticed that my legs, ankles, and feet are just always a little swollen now. Nothing like they were with Olivia but it is definitely making me be cautious of what I eat so that I don’t add to the problem.

What I'm looking forward to: Fall! I LOVE fall! And I love fall here at camp. It is so beautiful and it has been fun getting to know the people that come for the various retreats this time of year and I always look forward to seeing them again! Also, Oliver’s birthday is this weekend. I can’t believe he will be two! I’m not quite sure yet what we are doing but I’m excited to celebrate our little man! 

Size of baby:  Baby weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (about the size of a cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

31 Weeks

31 Weeks
How far along: 31 Weeks

Weeks to due date: 9!

Total weight gain: 26 pounds

Maternity clothes: Yes! And it’s getting more and more difficult to find something to wear!

Sleep: It’s been pretty rough this week. Between having to go to the bathroom several times a night, heartburn, leg cramps, and a ninja baby kicking my ribs, I am up quite a bit throughout the night. I'm super thankful for nights where I do sleep well!

Exercise: 4 days of BBM work outs and 4 walks. I usually do two miles each time I go for a walk and sometimes I go by myself and other times I push the kids in the stroller.
Best moment this week: We had a really fun week. Last Wednesday the kids and I met my parents and sister at story book land in Aberdeen, SD.  The kids seemed to really enjoy all that there was to do there and it was great to hang out with my family for the day.
Another fun thing was that Andy and I had a sort of date/anniversary weekend. We took the kids to Andy’s cousins for an overnight on Saturday and then went to a wedding of one of his friends from high school and then we stayed in Bismarck. The kids had a blast with their cousins and we enjoyed our time away as well! There is something so nice about sitting through a wedding/reception and having dinner without having to chase anyone around or worry about anyone else's food. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE being a mom, it’s just nice to have a break every once in a while!  
One other great thing I got to do was take photos for Andy’s cousin’s family Sunday night and then also take photos for some friends on Monday night! We had two really beautiful evenings which made for some great photos!

What I miss: Being comfortable. I’m getting to the point where something hurts most of the time. My back. My hips. This week my ribs have really been achy. I’m so grateful for a healthy pregnancy and baby so far but it does come with its aches and pains.

Movement: So much! Still loving it for the most part. Makes me so excited to have our little one and see those cute little hands and feet and elbows and knees that jab me all the time!

Food cravings: Pop tarts! Either strawberry or brown sugar! Yum!

Making me queasy: Not much.

Starting to show: Yes!

Gender:  We will find out in 9 or so weeks!

Happy or moody:  Happy for the most part but I can be moody too depending on how much the kids have been pushing my buttons and how uncomfortable I am. 

Things I've been experiencing this week:  It has been a great week full of family time, celebrating our 7 year anniversary, and taking photos for family and friends!

What I'm looking forward to: The kids and I are heading to SD for a super short trip. I’ll get to take my sisters senior pictures while we’re there and also celebrate my nephew’s 1st birthday!

Size of baby:  Baby weighs over 3 pounds and is the size of a coconut.