Tuesday, September 22, 2015

It's the little things in life...

Time has slipped by quickly since our little man has entered our lives. I've written so much down in my mind but have yet to get it down on paper or even a word document. So this is where I start =) I'll get to my labor and delivery story and even to these past couple of weeks. For right now though I'm content to just pause and breathe in this new little person. It seems that after both of my babies have been born there has been this allowed pause in life. A pause that makes it okay to just soak in the beauty and newness that comes with a baby and let other things go just a little bit. So, here is a little pause for your day. Enjoy! We sure have! 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

39 weeks!

39 weeks

How far along: 39 weeks

Weeks to due date: 1 Week!

Total weight gain: 29 pounds

Maternity clothes: Oh yes

Sleep: Overall not great but I did have one night where I only got out of bed once! That was super exciting! I’ve been having so many weird dreams this week. In most of them I’m stuck somewhere and can’t get leave. Hmmm…. Maybe it is coming from the feeling that I’ll be pregnant forever or maybe it is the baby sending me messages that he or she is afraid that they’ll be in there forever =)
Exercise: 5 days this week. Lots of walking and squats to get the baby moving in the right direction =)
Best moment this week: This was a great week full of coffee dates, friend time, family time, great phone conversations and I got a lot done around the house.

What I miss: Giving people hugs without the belly being in the way.

Movement: So much! And the baby has hiccups at least once a day so that is always fun to feel! It will be so great when the baby is born and we can hear those cute little hiccups.

Food cravings: Cake! My awesome husband made me a cake a couple of nights ago and we’ve sure been enjoying it!  He’s an awesome cook!

Making me queasy: In general nothing, but I did have a moment where I sneezed and then almost threw up right after. Not sure what that was all about.

Starting to show: hmmmmm…

Gender: No clue! What do you think?

Happy or moody: Happy!   

Things I've been experiencing this week: Lots of Braxton hick’s contractions. One night I even thought I might be in labor because I was having back pain with them but then I um….went to the bathroom…you know... #2… and then they slowed down and eventually stopped.  Aren’t poop cramps the greatest?! TMI? Hmmmm…

What I'm looking forward to: Feeling contractions and having it finally be the real thing. I’ve had so many friends have their babies this past week and I’m so happy to see their cute little babies but it makes it a little hard to be patient for our little one. Hoping this one doesn’t go 10 days over like Olivia did. If this little one does go over I hope I can have a good and patient attitude.

Size of baby:  A watermelon… hmmmm that sounds yummy! 

Monday, August 24, 2015

38 Weeks

Week 37

Week 38

How far along: 38 weeks

Weeks to due date: 2 Weeks!! Holy cow!

Total weight gain: 29 pounds… yep, I’ve packed on some weight in the last couple of weeks =)

Maternity clothes: Get me outta them! This week I gave in and asked Andy if I could “borrow” one of his t-shirts. I just want to be comfortable! Don’t worry, I won’t wear his clothes out of the house… yet…

Sleep: Not better but not worse. That’s good right? Haha! I’ve had some relief from the heartburn I was experiencing so that hasn’t been keeping me up. Andy asked if perhaps the baby is balding since heartburn is a sign you’ll have a baby with a lot of hair.
Exercise: This week I did terrible in the exercise department. I only got in 1 strength day and two cardio days. We did have a lot of company this week though so I was pretty active. 
Best moment this week: Now that the summer season at camp is complete Andy has a little bit of time off.  We have been pretty busy this week with appointments and company. We hosted 3 different sets of company this week which made for an even busier week. We really enjoyed the family time and appreciated the distraction. Anything to make this last little bit go by faster =) We are getting so excited to meet this little one! 

What I miss: I’m not too uncomfortable for the most part but I miss sitting for longer periods of time without having to adjust so much or stuff so many pillows in just the right places so that my back and belly are supported well. 

Movement: Oh yes!

Food cravings: Nothing specific comes to mind this week.

Making me queasy: Feeling good!

Starting to show: I’m just a waddling creature with the basketball stuffed under my shirt =)

Gender: I’m so so so so so curious!!

Happy or moody:  I think I’ve been pretty happy this week. I know I have my moments but I would definitely say I’m more happy than moody.

Things I've been experiencing this week: I’ve noticed that I’ve been retaining a little more water. I can see it in my feet, ankles and in my face. It’s nothing compared to how I was when I was pregnant with Olivia but just something I’ve been aware of. I’ve also been having a lot of Braxton hicks contractions. 
Olivia has been extra clingy this week. I have been enjoying the hugs and snuggles especially since she has never been one to sit too long. It seems as though she knows something is going to change soon. I’m excited to see how she will do with a baby around. It will be fun to see her be a big sister.   

What I'm looking forward to: having this baby, baby, baby oh

Size of baby:  A pumpkin

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Week 36

36 Weeks

How far along: 36 weeks

Weeks to due date: 4 Weeks!! So close!

Total weight gain: 24 pounds

Maternity clothes: Oh yes! And some of them are getting a little tight.

Sleep: Hmmm well the last couple of nights have gone like this… Midnight: go pee… 1AM: go pee, get a drink of water and take some tums… 2:30AM: go pee, get a drink of water, stretch my sciatic nerve and calves… 4:30AM: you guessed it! Go pee! Eat cereal or fruit, stretch some more… 7:30AM: Up for the day which starts with a…. Pee! And these are just the times I got out of bed…
Exercise: Last Sat I finished a 90 day exercise challenge. I reached my goal of not missing any days so that was a fun accomplishment. I got in 3 cardio days and 1 strength day this last week but I plan on trying to get in 3 cardio and 3 strength this week.
Best moment this week: It has been a great week! First, we had an appointment on Monday and that went well. My midwife made the comment on how I’ve really grown the last couple of weeks =) Oh baby! 
Then, my dad had some time off so he came up for a visit. 
We also had family pictures taken by our friend Rachel! Can’t wait to see the rest!   

We celebrated our 5 year anniversary on the 7th. It was a great day! We recreated a pic taken on our Wedding day, ate ice cream cake, had sparking grape juice and watched Frasier =) It was perfect!

What I miss: Running, sleeping, rolling over easily, and putting my shoes on easily. I’m sure there is more =) haha! We are so close now though that all of this will get back to normal and we will have a sweet little one to cuddle =) The sleep thing probably won’t get easier for a while though =)

Movement: Lots of movement! The baby has hiccups at least once a day if not more and seems to enjoy punching me in the hip and kicking me in the side at the same time =) At least that is what I assume is happening.

Food cravings: I’ve kind of been on a cereal kick lately.

Making me queasy: I’ve been in an off and on state of queasiness. I guess those pesky hormones that make you queasy in the beginning of pregnancy come back towards the end.

Starting to show: I think so!

Gender: We’ll find out soon!

Happy or moody:  Both

Things I've been experiencing this week: It has been a great week and I have been trying to fill my time waiting for this baby to come with good distractions =) Coffee dates, play dates, reading, cleaning, napping, going for walks, and I packed our hospital bags this week. It feels so good to know that we’re ready for baby. At least as ready as possible…for right now =) haha!

What I'm looking forward to: The summer season is coming to an end here at camp and then Andy will have some time off. I’m looking forward to hanging out and relaxing as a family of 3 before baby comes.

Size of baby:  The size of a honeydew