Tuesday, September 1, 2015

39 weeks!

39 weeks

How far along: 39 weeks

Weeks to due date: 1 Week!

Total weight gain: 29 pounds

Maternity clothes: Oh yes

Sleep: Overall not great but I did have one night where I only got out of bed once! That was super exciting! I’ve been having so many weird dreams this week. In most of them I’m stuck somewhere and can’t get leave. Hmmm…. Maybe it is coming from the feeling that I’ll be pregnant forever or maybe it is the baby sending me messages that he or she is afraid that they’ll be in there forever =)
Exercise: 5 days this week. Lots of walking and squats to get the baby moving in the right direction =)
Best moment this week: This was a great week full of coffee dates, friend time, family time, great phone conversations and I got a lot done around the house.

What I miss: Giving people hugs without the belly being in the way.

Movement: So much! And the baby has hiccups at least once a day so that is always fun to feel! It will be so great when the baby is born and we can hear those cute little hiccups.

Food cravings: Cake! My awesome husband made me a cake a couple of nights ago and we’ve sure been enjoying it!  He’s an awesome cook!

Making me queasy: In general nothing, but I did have a moment where I sneezed and then almost threw up right after. Not sure what that was all about.

Starting to show: hmmmmm…

Gender: No clue! What do you think?

Happy or moody: Happy!   

Things I've been experiencing this week: Lots of Braxton hick’s contractions. One night I even thought I might be in labor because I was having back pain with them but then I um….went to the bathroom…you know... #2… and then they slowed down and eventually stopped.  Aren’t poop cramps the greatest?! TMI? Hmmmm…

What I'm looking forward to: Feeling contractions and having it finally be the real thing. I’ve had so many friends have their babies this past week and I’m so happy to see their cute little babies but it makes it a little hard to be patient for our little one. Hoping this one doesn’t go 10 days over like Olivia did. If this little one does go over I hope I can have a good and patient attitude.

Size of baby:  A watermelon… hmmmm that sounds yummy! 

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