Thursday, June 8, 2017

22 Weeks

How far along: 22 weeks

Weeks to due date: 18!

Total weight gain: 15 pounds

Maternity clothes: Gotta love em

Sleep: Pretty great this week!   

Exercise: I got in a few 2 mile walks but I’ll be starting the bikini body mommy pregnancy series this week! If you haven’t heard of BBM or checked out any of her free 90 day challenges or her membership series workouts you really should! Those have been my go to workouts since having my kids and they are fantastic!  
Best moment this week: Oliver has started giving me the best hugs. He wraps his arms and legs around me and squeezes me with his whole body. It’s so sweet! He’s usually on the move and doesn’t like to sit or cuddle so those big hugs are extra special!  

What I miss: I’ve really been missing running this week. I’ve enjoyed my walks pushing the kids in the stroller but I miss hitting the road by myself and putting on some miles. I already have 10k and 1/2 marathon goals for after baby is born!

Movement: So many cute little punches and kicks!

Food cravings: S’mores!

Making me queasy:  Bumpy golf cart rides and van rides definitely make me queasy. Andy has been working on building us a shed in the evenings and the kids and I usually play outside so we can still all be together. Sometimes when he needs to go to the shop we’ll tag along but boy it can be a bumpy ride!

Starting to show: I think I've really popped in the last week. Some days I feel huge and other days I feel pretty good. I think it’s obvious that I’m pregnant but a few people have told me that it's still hard to tell. I don't believe them! 

Gender:  We’ll find out in 18 weeks! Unless the ultrasound tech slips up at our ultrasound on Friday! I’m secretly hoping they do! I’m so curious!!

Happy or moody:  It has been kind of a tough week. I wouldn’t say I’ve been moody but it has definitely been a week where I’ve had to look for the good and choose joy when things aren’t going like I thought they would or when something unexpected comes up. We usually end up listening to a lot of music during these times because it seems to just keep my mind on better things and a joyful atmosphere in our home. Rend Collective is usually our go to! For those that don’t know, my husband works full time at a church camp and we are in full summer mode. That means longer work days and more opportunities for the unexpected. We’ve been here 6 years full time and so I know it usually takes a couple of weeks to adjust to the new schedule and then we seem to find a new normal again.

Things I've been experiencing this week:  I’ve had a lot of round ligament pain this week. I get a lot of sharp pain in my lower abdomen when I roll over at night or when I stand up too quick but I know it’s pretty normal.
I’ve also been trying to get up early before the kids wake up so that I can have some quiet time before the day starts. Olivia isn’t napping every day anymore and so I’m not always guaranteed time to myself in the afternoons. I’ve been having her do “quiet time” for about an hour during Oliver’s nap time but it’s definitely something we need to work on. Any tips would be appreciated!

What I'm looking forward to: Our ultrasound on Friday! I’m so excited to see our little one but I’m also so excited for our kids to see the baby! Olivia has been asking a lot of questions about the baby and giving my belly lots of hugs and kisses and even cheerios! You know, because the baby needs a snack too! Haha! I’m looking forward to seeing her reaction on Friday!

Size of baby:  Our baby is about the size of a spaghetti squash!

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