Thursday, June 22, 2017

24 Weeks

How far along: 24 weeks

Weeks to due date: 16

Total weight gain: 17 pounds

Maternity clothes: Oh yes

Sleep: For the most part I’ve been sleeping pretty well. I’ve had some weird and bad dreams off and on but other than that sleep has been good. The kids have been going to bed late and waking up early all of a sudden so we are working through that.

Exercise: I didn’t get in any strength days this week but I did pull weeds 4 afternoons and I think that counts! I also got in 4 walks with the kids. I’d love to say this week will be better but we’ll be traveling for several days so we’ll see what happens. 
Here is the before... So embarrassing! Now you know why it has taken so many afternoons to pull the weeds! In my defense, my garden(where all my effort has gone) is looking really good! 

That's much better!

Best moment this week: I’ve been pulling weeds while Oliver naps and have been having Olivia do her quiet time in her little tent outside near me. One of the afternoons Olivia asked me to find her some earth worms. As I was finding them I would give them to her and each time she’d get so excited and say, “Oh thank you mommy!” It just made me laugh! It’s been kind of a tough week so it was nice to spend some afternoons working in the dirt and enjoying the little things like a freshly weeded flower bed and little girl who was excited about earth worms! 
Those are earth worms on the blanket right there =)
What I miss: Nothing comes to mind.

Movement: So much! And you can really see it now! Usually the baby moves most in the evenings so it’s fun to sit and watch my stomach dance. It’s especially fun since Andy can feel the baby kicking now and can see my stomach move. There’s nothing like seeing your husbands face light up when he feels those sweet kicks for the first time!

Food cravings: Chocolate!

Making me queasy: Stress. This week has been kind of tough and in the stressful moments I’ve literally felt sick to my stomach and in one instance I actually threw up. I was already not feeling very well one evening after a tough day when Oliver woke up crying inconsolably. Andy was working on calming him down and I was just lying there and kind of felt my heart start to race a little and got super nauseous and then headed for the bathroom and ya know…

Starting to show: Yeppers!

Gender:  We’ll find out in 16 weeks! We had our ultrasound about a week and a half ago but were strong and didn’t find out. I’m so so curious though!! 
Our little one!
 Happy or moody:  Surviving

Things I've been experiencing this week:  Well, like I’ve mentioned, it has been a little bit of a tough week. Olivia is not adjusting well to Andy’s long work days and the littlest things have been sending her into these awful tantrums. It has been tough to navigate and we are working through it. Today when the kids and I were on a walk I was thinking about how I’ve seen God use the difficult things in my life to teach me something. Whether it has been perseverance, grace, patience, or being able to help others through something similar, I’ve seen good come from the hard.  I’m trying to remember and hold on to that truth and not let a tough week shake me or define our summer.

What I'm looking forward to: The kids and I are going to SD to visit my family and to attend a family reunion. I’m looking forward to time with family and a little break from the busyness that comes with summer camp season.

Size of baby: An ear of corn. And apparently my uterus is the size of a soccer ball! No wonder I’m starting to feel big!

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