Wednesday, July 19, 2017

28 Weeks! Hello third trimester!!

26 weeks

27 weeks
28 weeks

How far along: 28 weeks! How has it been 4 weeks since my last update already?!

Weeks to due date: 12!

Total weight gain: 24 pounds. Yikes!

Maternity clothes: Yeppers! This belly is getting large! I’m really starting to look forward to normal clothes again and to not grunting so much while trying to get dressed! Helpful tip: cuff pants before you put them on, not after!

Sleep: Sometimes I sleep well and sometimes I just get through the night. I’m finding myself tossing and turning more and more lately and getting up a lot to go to the bathroom. I’ve also been having a lot of leg cramps at night and when I lay on my side, whatever arm is up ends up falling asleep. Not even sure how that makes sense!

Exercise: I’ve felt really determined in this area the last couple of weeks. I got in 6 days of BBM workouts and went for walks 5 days in the last week. I really want to make this last trimester the best it can be and I know working out will help so much.
Best moment this week: Since it has been a while since my last update I will share some fun things we’ve been up to. At the very end of June the kids and I went to SD for about a week to visit my family and attend a family reunion. Some favorite moments from that trip were shopping at a couple of local antique/thrift stores with my sister, taking the kids to the lake, the kids baking with my mom, and hanging out on the front deck with my Mom, Dad, Sis, and kids for an afternoon. 

Another great thing that happened recently was my friend Amanda and her son came to visit for the weekend! We’ve been friends since middle school and have stayed connected throughout the years and it was so fun to have a whole weekend together!
Some other fun moments have been spending time at the lake, playing ping pong with my hubby and having campfires together after the kids go to bed, and visiting friends!

What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach.

Movement: I’m pretty sure there has to be more than one in there! I’ve been feeling and seeing soooo much movement. It’s really fun for the most part and doesn’t hurt too much or keep me up at night yet.

Food cravings: Food! All the food! I’m hungry! All. The. Time.

Making me queasy: I’ve been feeling some general nausea again but I know that’s normal with hormones changing again as we are in the third trimester. Also, the organic spray I bought to keep pests out of my garden sure made me gag… no wonder those darn little gophers won’t want to come near… that stuff reeks!

Starting to show: hmmmm… Yes!

Gender:  We’ll find out in October! I’m so so curious!!

Happy or moody:  Both!

Things I've been experiencing this week:  This week has been really good! The first couple weeks of July were kind of tough. Olivia’s breathing issues flared up with the super high temps, humidity, and fires so we had to stay inside quite a bit. That made for a very long and trying couple of weeks but we made it through and have been able to be outside again and enjoy spending time with friends. Also, as I mentioned before, I've been feeling some general queasiness and I'm feeling that afternoon and evening tiredness set in a little again. Still doing well overall though and I'm so thankful for all of the good! 

What I'm looking forward to: I have my 28 week appointment on Friday and am going in to town by myself this time. I’m looking forward to a little alone time and also to catching up with a couple of friends!

Size of baby:  A large eggplant.

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