Saturday, April 27, 2013

Week 16

Week 16

How far along: 16 Weeks

Weeks to due date: 24 Weeks

Total weight gain: 4 pounds

Maternity clothes: Yep.  My jeans are at that uncomfortable stage where I really prefer not to wear them.  So far I have 2 pairs of jeans from Motherhood. They are so comfy! I don’t know why all jeans aren’t made this way.  I also bought a few t-shirts. Most of my shirts still fit just fine and will for a while I think. 

Sleep:  This week has been a pretty rough week sleep wise.  Tuesday morning I told Andy that I had just had the worst night sleep ever… and I still haven’t caught up.

Best moment this week:  This is a funny one.  On Thursday night I decided to walk to worship team practice at church.  It is a little over two miles.  I went to the bathroom before I left but about a quarter of the way there I had to pee.  Luckily Al and Sandy who work at camp live about half way between camp and Church.  So I called Sandy and asked if I could make a pit stop.  It was funny and embarrassing and I am so thankful for our amazing friends here at camp.  They are a true blessing for many reasons =) Another great moment this week was visiting with Cindy and Charity.  I am so thankful for the amazing family that I have married in to. Also, Andy and I had our first camp fire of the year today.  It was so nice and it made it feel like spring is really hear.

What I miss:  Sleeping all night without having to get up to pee multiple times. 

Movement: I think so but it’s probably just my imagination.   

Food cravings: Anything fruity. Especially fruit =)  

Making me queasy: Still the smell of my husband when he gets home from work.  It’s not a body odor smell it’s a dusty shop smell.  

Starting to show:  Yep =)  No sucking in this tummy.  It’s here to stay for a while and it’s going to get bigger! I Love it! My weight didn't change this week but my belly sure did! 

Gender: We will find out in 24 weeks!

Happy or moody:  Still very happy!  

Things I've been experiencing this week: This has been a week of deep thought for me.  I am so thankful for all of the encouragement and support we have received and it feels good to hear that people think that we will be good parents.  It has me thinking though… what makes someone a good mom or dad?  There are many qualities that I hope to have and gain while raising a family and I hope that they will honor my family and God.  I hope to uplift Andy as a husband and as a father and encourage him to be the best dad he can be.  I hope that I am a mom that finds so much joy in her child that all the trials of parenting seem so worth it.  In a way, I already know this joy because I carry this baby with me always.  Just by looking at my belly I have tears of joy because of the overwhelming excitement that I feel.  I hope for humility.  To admit to myself and my family when I am wrong and to apologize.  I hope to always be present and not get distracted and disconnected.  I know that with life there are so many unknowns but I think it is still good for us to hope and believe with our purest intentions that we can achieve what we hope for.  So I hope… 

What I'm looking forward to:  Our appointment on Monday.  I can’t wait to hear that heartbeat again. 

Size of baby:  Avocado

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Week 15

 Week 15
So should I wear the same shirt for my week to week pictures or switch it up? This is the same shirt from last week's picture.

How far along: 15 Weeks

Weeks to due date: 25 Weeks

Total weight gain: 4 pounds

Maternity clothes: I don’t need them quite yet but my pants are getting a little snug in the belly area.  I ordered a pair of cute shorts and a pair of jeans. Also a couple of shirts from Zulily.  They were having a great sale! Maybe this is too much info but I did have to buy a new bra as I am a full cup size bigger now.  I feel like that is where the 4 pounds is at =)

Sleep:  It depends on the night.  Most nights are pretty good. 

Best moment this week:  Talking about baby names with the hubby.  None decided just pondered.  Also, we had a big snow storm which was kind of fun.  Our first snow storm as a family! We had grilled cheese sandwiches, tomato soup, and played skip-bo.  Andy and I have always enjoyed our lunches together and now that we are going to become a family of 3 I am trying to soak up as much time with him as possible.  

What I miss:  Playing four square at youth group.  It has been deemed too dangerous so I have to sit out. I can't pound on the youth any more =(  

Movement: Sometimes I think that I can feel something but I’m guessing it’s just gas =) 

Food cravings: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  I think I have had 3 or 4 this week. 

Making me queasy: The smell of my husband when he gets home from work.  It’s not a body odor smell it’s a dusty shop smell.   

Starting to show:  A little but to someone who doesn’t know that I’m pregnant I just look fat.  I can definitely tell that there is a bump there.  It is little and firm and I love it when Andy puts his hand on my belly to feel it.   

Gender: We will find out in 25 weeks! When our little babe makes his or her appearance.

Happy or moody:  So happy! 

Things I've been experiencing this week:  So far during my pregnancy my emotions have been very in check.  No crying episodes or bursts of anger.  This week though anytime I see a commercial that has anything to do with babies or husbands and wives I get all teary eyed.  I am not sure if it is the hormones or if it is just the fact that I am so excited for us to become this family that God has designed us to be.  I can’t wait to see where God takes us on this journey.  

What I'm looking forward to: A distinct baby bump. It's coming soon I think =)

Size of baby: Orange

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Week 14

How far along: 14 Weeks

Weeks to due date: 26 Weeks

Total weight gain: About 3 pounds.  It seemed that I gained those few pounds a while ago. The past couple of weeks things have been the same but my body is definitely changing.  No distinct belly yet but my pants are getting tighter.  

Maternity clothes: Not yet.  Most of my pants still fit pretty well. I ordered a really cute shirt though for later this spring when I have a little more of a belly.  I can’t wait to wear it! I keep going to various sites to look at maternity clothes to dream about what I will look like once this little one starts showing.  

Sleep:  I am normally a stomach sleeper but since getting pregnant the tummy seems to be off limit.  A sleeping position that was comfortable one night is suddenly not so good the next so each sleeping experience is different.  Lately I have been trying to get used to sleeping on my sides but I keep waking up because the arm that I am laying on is dead asleep.  So once the sharp pains that make my arm feel like it is going to explode subside, I roll over to the other side.  I get up to pee about 3 times a night so that also plays into my sleep schedule.  All in all, sleep is good I just wake up a lot.

Best moment this week:  Listening to my husband pray for our little one before we go to bed every night.  Ever since we got married we’ve done devotions and prayed together before we go to bed.  Ever since we found out that we were pregnant Andy has prayed for our “little tyke”. So sweet.  Something that has always meant so much to me is hearing my father pray for me.  So when Andy prays for our child, it makes my heart feel so full because I know how important that will be to our baby.      

What I miss: Having energy.  I am so tired lately.  I go to bed earlier and earlier and sleep later and later.  

Movement: Nothing yet. I long for the day that I can feel this baby move! It will be so exciting!

Food cravings: I crave anything grape. Grapes, grape juice, grape suckers, grape pop. Andy had to go pick up some lumber in Tappen last week and I went with just so I could get a soda. I love water but we don't keep pop around and I was really craving something sweet to drink. They didn't have grape pop at the lumber yard but they did have Sunkist so I went with that.

Making me queasy:  Milk. I can have it with cereal but not on its own.  Also, my lotion, my body wash, our hand soap, and Andy’s deodorant all made queasy.  So we bought new lotion, new body wash, new hand soap, and new deodorant.  Luckily, all new products are doing well with the nose.

Starting to show: I think that I just look a little puffy. No distinct belly yet.  

Gender: We will find out in 24 weeks! When our little babe makes his or her appearance.

Happy or moody: So happy!

Things I've been experiencing this week: Happiness from being able to finally tell people we are expecting. The support has been great!

What I'm looking forward to: A baby bump.  Hearing our babies heart beat again at our next appointment.  It is the loveliest sound I think I have ever heard.

Size of baby: The size of a clenched fist.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Oh Baby!

I am so thrilled to announce that we are going to have a baby. 
We had been praying and talking and planning and wondering when we should start expanding our little family.  We had decided that fall seemed like a good time for baby #1.  So in January, well… you know what happened!   

Finding out: 
The first week of February was a very busy one full of anticipation.  We were in Minnesota for a Christian camping conference and little did everyone know… I was waiting for something… or not. My body felt very similar to the way that it does before that time of the month, so I was a little afraid to get my hopes up.  Plus, we had only been trying for one month and statistically, only 20% get pregnant the first try.  On our way home from the conference we didn’t have time to pick up a pregnancy test so we had to wait a couple of more days before we found out what next fall would bring.  

On February 8th we were on our way to my friend Jennifer Adams wedding.  Boy was that a long 5 hour drive with that silly little stick just sitting there waiting to be peed on.  Andy assured me that I would most likely not want to take the test in a gas station bathroom so I mustered up the last little bit of patience I had and waited until we got to the hotel.  

When we got to our hotel I immediately went into the bathroom and well… peed on a stick.  I placed it back in the package, waiting for it to decide our future.  I mean, we suspected that it would say we were pregnant but could WE actually BE pregnant.  We got ready for the wedding and then… Andy picked up the test… turned it around…. and there was only one word to be read… Pregnant!  We were so ecstatic! Who knew what God had in store for us! We are so blessed!   

So there we were, newly expecting parents at a friend’s wedding with this beautiful secret.  It seemed that we kind of floated through the evening in pure bliss.  Weddings are so beautiful and every one that I go to reminds me of our wedding day.  During the ceremony we kept looking at each other, with these silly grins on our faces, feeling a Love for each other that we didn’t know was possible.  I am so thankful for the wonderful man that God gave to me, to be MY husband. It is amazing that God allows us to have this kind of Love that creates life… our babies life.