Monday, July 27, 2015

34 weeks

32 weeks
33 weeks
34 weeks
How far along: 34 weeks.

Weeks to due date: 6 weeks!  

Total weight gain: 21 pounds

Maternity clothes: Oh yes. I’m looking forward to regular clothes and to not feeling like a hippo =)   

Sleep: Well, I’ve been trying to go to bed early and take at least a short nap every day. A couple of weeks ago pure exhaustion aided in me going to the ER so rest has been high on the list lately. More details below...   
Exercise: Still getting in my 6 days a week. 3 strength and 3 cardio =) My belly is getting in the way more and more =) And moves where I have to bring my elbow to my opposite knee are just a cruel joke! Haha!
Best moment this week: I’ve decided to make a project list and complete at least one of those projects a week until baby comes. I thought this might help with a little bit of the impatience I’ve been feeling =) Well, this week I finished a quilt I started for myself 3 years ago. I got the front almost completely done and then other projects kept getting in the way so it sat in a tote until this week when I finally got it done! It’s far from perfect but I’m happy with it! Especially since it has my favorite colors and patterns =) Olivia seems to like it too!

What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach

Movement: So much! And it’s so entertaining!

Food cravings: Chocolate milk

Making me queasy: Nothing

Starting to show: oh just a little bit

Gender:  hmmmm….. we will find out soon =)

Happy or moody:  Depends on the moment. Olivia has been super ornery this week and I have been overtired, have had heartburn and sciatic nerve pain, and it has been hot and humid. All of those things don’t always add up to me being a happy camper. On the other hand there are many things to be happy about so I’m trying to focus on those as well =) Andy has been getting up with Olivia when she’s not sleeping well, I’ve been going to a great chiropractor, and we’ve had fun staying cool in the lake and Olivia’s pool.

Things I've been experiencing this week: This happened about two weeks ago now but here is what happened on the day I went to the hospital.  The few nights before I’d been sleeping really poorly and so had Olivia.  I had troubles sleeping that night and Olivia got up early so I was running on about 3 hours of sleep. Around 11:30AM I started experiencing muscle weakness and blurred vision. I called Andy to tell him how I was feeling and let him know that I didn’t think Olivia and I would come to the dining hall for lunch since I wasn’t feeling well. I decided to put on a movie for Olivia, rest for a while, and then have something to eat but by 12:30 I started having numbness and tingling in mostly the left side of my body including my face and tongue. I also was having troubles holding onto things, walking, and speaking. As I was trying to call Andy he came in the door and I told him what was going on and he called a friend of ours to come take care of Olivia and then he took me to the hospital. After being in the ER for a while they ruled out a stroke as my previous symptoms had gone away and blood tests came back normal. I was still having muscle weakness and wasn’t feeling well though so they had done an IV to get some fluid in me but shortly after they got that started I was having trouble staying conscious and my blood pressure ended up dropping to 50/20. Then they tested my blood sugar level which ended up being low so they gave me some orange juice and I rested and then eventually all was back to normal. The Dr. said that she thought that all of this was because of pregnancy/lack of sleep/low blood sugar as this combo can do some pretty strange things to one's body.  I had an OB appointment that Friday and she agreed that that was why I felt the way I did. She said it was a good call to go in especially with my blood pressure dropping the way it did. So the solution to all of this is to rest, make sure I’m eating well, and when the time comes, to have this little peanut! 

What I'm looking forward to: I’m really looking forward to meeting our new little one! I ordered and received a Happy Wrap (baby carrier) this week and I am looking forward to wearing it with our sweet little one tucked inside.

Size of baby:  A butternut squash